social media

INTRO:  This information was first published on a social media website called iExpress, that was established in 2013 in Sydney by organisation Justice Action to provide a webpage and interactive email system for people in prisons and hospitals.  Its aim is to reduce social exclusion by allowing these individuals to exercise their voice and encourage interaction.

From its website:

“Justice Action represents people locked in Australian prisons and hospitals, defending human rights in the hardest places. The movement to provide a voice, and to show support for prisoners dates back to when Australia was a penal colony. The movement arose in response to the inhumane slavery and degradation of convicts at that time. 

Justice Action (JA) continues that spirit and tradition by representing people affected by imprisonment and targeting the abuse of authority against other vulnerable individuals who are incarcerated. It funds its independence through the social enterprise Breakout Media Communications. 

In addition to its work in defending human rights, JA gives voice to the marginalized and excluded. JA believes that a positive change in Australia’s criminal justice and mental health systems requires these voices to be respected and embraced as part of the solution. 

JA aims to improve the social and mental health of prisoners and involuntary patients by providing prisoner, mental health and court support. It also engages in policy development, initiates campaigns and liaises with stakeholders. 

JA comprises prisoners, victims, families, students, lawyers, judges, members of parliament, the media and others who contribute their skills, knowledge, talents and support to redress the injustices of our judicial system.”  [READ MORE]

Julian Knight used it when it first became available to him.

Justice Action was forced to suspend iExpress during the Chinavirus imposed pandemic lockdown period in 2021.

This is Julian Knight’s webpage link on iExpress:

It is reproduced here on this website.  Not all links on that webpage are still active.

In the case of the articles and prose written by Julian, this website has reproduced them as webpages as follows:


NOTE:  The following is the current list of written documents by Julian Knight on his iExpress webpage.  However, the links are not functioning, so contact has been made with the website’s owner Justice Action to have this rectified as soon as possible.  Once this has been done, those documents will be reproduced on this website.  In addition, some of those documents below (shown in blue bold font) have already been reproduced, each hyperlinking to a separate webpage on this website.  In addition, the webpage Knight’s Prison Literature on this website, also contains convenient related hyperlink to the documents below.

Articles by me and related materials:


  1. Affidavit- Knight v G4S and Corrections Victoria
  2. Affidavit- Knight v Shuard and Roach
  3. Appeal: Application for Aid
  4. Appeal: Letter to Victoria Legal Aid
  5. Appeal: Memorandum of Advice
  6. Article – H Division: MyExperience.doc
  7. Article – It’s 2014 or Never.doc
  8. Article – RMC Duntroon & Bastardization.pdf
  9. Article – The Abolition of Prisons
  10. Bridge Foundation – Poems.doc
  11. Bridge Foundation 2008 – Essay.doc
  12. Bridge Foundation 2009 – Essay.doc
  13. Bridge Foundation 2010 – Essay.doc
  14. Court Case Reports List.doc
  15. Dictionary of Victorian Prison Slang (2020 Edition)
  16. Originating Application (Knight v G4S)
  17. Originating Motion
  18. Open Letter of Apology.pdf
  19. Petition of Mercy 2015

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