Certain Internet sources about Julian Knight’s listed legal actions are exaggerated in quantity for ulterior hateful motives, as this lot conveys.
Many are repeats; else appeals brought after the original cases were deemed by the applicant Mr Knight to have been a denied of his natural justice.
[Cases are listed in reverse chronological order, most recent (thus far) at top]
- Knight v Defence Force Ombudsman [2024] FCA 474 (VID 364 of 2023) Button J
- Knight v Defence Force Ombudsman VID364 [2023] FCA
- Knight v G4S Custodial Services Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 926
- Knight v Commonwealth Ombudsman [2023] FCA 868
- Knight v Victoria [2017] HCA 29
- Knight v Department of Education [2017] (reparations claim for historical sexual assault in Wodonga in 1981, age 13)
- Knight v Commonwealth of Australia (No 3) [2017] ACTSC 3
- Knight v Commonwealth of Australia [2016] FCA 1160
- Knight v State of Victoria [2014] FCA 369 (11 April 2014) Mortimer J
- Knight v Wise [2014] VSC (16 June 2014) Daly AsJ
- Knight v State of Victoria [2014] FCA 369 (11 April 2014) Mortimer J
- Knight v Wise [2014] VSC 76 (7 March 2014) Forrest J
- Knight v Governor PPP [2014] VSC 10 (31 January 2014) Rush J
- Knight v Wise (No 2) [2013] VSC 339 (28 June 2013) Emerton J
- Knight v Adult Parole Board [2013] VSC 97 (12 March 2013) Macaulay J
- Knight v Commissioner, Corrections Victoria [2013] VSC 13 (30 January 2013) Hollingworth J
- Knight v Selisky [2012] VSC 635 (19 December 2012) Bell J
- Knight v Hastings [2012] VSCA 315 (appeal costs) (18 December 2012) Neave JA & Hargrave AJA
- Knight v Wise [2012] VSCA 315 (appeal) (18 December 2012) Neave JA & Hargrave AJA
- Knight v Secretary, Department of Justice [2012] VSC 613 (14 December 2012) McMillan J
- Knight v Wise [2012] VSC 506 (31 October 2012) Kyrou J
- Knight v Adult Parole Board [2012] VSC 23 (3 February 2012) Osborn J
- Knight v Hastings [2012] VSC 423 (costs) Williams J
- Knight v Hastings [2012] VSC 203 (17 May 2012) Williams J
- Knight v Secretary, Department of Justice [2011] VSC 571 (15 December 2011) Daly AsJ
- Knight v Wise [2011] VSC 313 (7 July 2011) Hollingworth J
- Knight v Hastings [2011] VSC 332 (24 June 2011) Emerton J
- Knight v Department of Justice (General) [2011] VCAT 1276 (16 June 2011) Davis J
- Knight v Corrections Victoria 3 [2010] VSC 338 (11 August 2010) Bell J
- The Commissioner, Corrections Victoria v Knight (2010) 31 VR 567
- The Commissioner, Corrections Victoria v Knight [2010] VSCA 203 (13 August 2010) Maxwell P & Nettle JA
- Knight v Hastings & Roach [2010] VSC 99 (3 May 2010) Robson J
- Knight v Corrections Victoria [2009] VSC 607 (18 December 2009) Vickery J
- Attorney-General (Victoria) v Knight [2009] VSC 465 (7 October 2009) Harper J
- Knight v Attorney-General (Victoria) [2009] VSC 287 (1 July 2009) Byrne J
- Knight v Money [2009] VSC 242 (2 June 2009) Byrne J
- Knight v Corrections Victoria [2009] VSC 607 (18 December 2009) Vickery J
- Knight v Anderson [2007] 16 VR 532
- Knight v Anderson [2007] VSC 278 (1 August 2007) Bell J
- Attorney-General (Victoria) v Knight [2004] VSC 407 (19 October 2004) Smith J
- Knight v Secretary to the Department of Justice [2004] VSC 29 (costs) (23 February 2004) Kellam J
- Knight v Spadano & Anor [2004] VSCA 228 (appeal) (5 December 2003) Buchanan & Chernov JJA
- Knight v Spadano & Anor (2003) 145 A Crim R 1
- Knight v Spadano & Anor [2003] VSC 413 (costs)
- Knight v Minister for Corrections [2003] VSC 413
- Knight v Spadano & Anor [2003] VSC 412 (judgment) (7 October 2003) Cummins J
- Knight v Minister for Corrections [2003] VSC 412
- Knight v Minister for Corrections & Ors [2003] VSC 82 (21 February 2003) Warren J
- Knight v CORE [2003] VCAT 712
- Knight v State of Victoria (CORE) & Wise [2003] VSC 459 (14 November 2003) Kellam J
- Knight v Secretary to the Department of Justice [2003] VSC 341 (appeal) (10 September 2003) Kellam J
- Knight v Spadano & Scaife [2003] VSCA 102 (appeal) (23 July 2003) Ormiston & Phillips JJA
- Knight v State of Victoria (CORE) & Wise [2003] VCAT 712 (costs) (20 June 2003) Coghlan DP
- Knight v CORE [2003] VCAT 501 (10 April 2003) McNamara DP
- Knight v CORE [2002] VCAT 1769 (20 December 2002) Steele SM
- Knight v CORE [2002] VCAT 731
- Knight v Wise & Spadano BC200204964 (Unreported Judgments Disk 4)
- Knight v Wise & Spadano (2002) 134 A Crim R 95
- Knight v Wise & Spadano [2002] VSC 355 (27 August 2002) Balmford J
- Knight v State of Victoria (CORE) & Wise [2002] VCAT 731 (strike out) (12 July 2002) Coghlan DP
- Re Knight and Department of Justice (No 2) (August 1996) 64 FOI Review 49
- Re Knight and Department of Justice (No 2) (1996) 63 FOI Review 32
- Re Knight and Department of Justice (February 1996) 61 FOI Review 9
- Re Knight and Department of Justice (No 2) (1995) 8 VAR 460 (19 May 1995) Coghlan PM
- Re Knight and Department of Justice (1994) 8 VAR 52 (1 December 1994) Galvin DP
- Knight v Secretary to Department of Employment, Education & Training, (7 September 1992) Balmford SM, AATA 273
- R v Knight [1989] VicRp 62; [1989] VR 705 [Hoddle Street Shootings sentencing]
- R v Knight [1987] CC3792/87 [1987] (accused stabbing of Duntroon Staff Cadet Philip John Reed in Civic)
Above judicial abbreviations explained:
- FCA = Federal Court of Australia
- VSC = Victoria Supreme Court
- HCA = High Court of Australia
- VAR = Variation
- VCAT = Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribuna;
- VSCA = Victoria Appeals Court (of the Victoria Supreme Court)
- FOI = Freedom of Information
- AATA = Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia
- VR = Victorian Reports (a series of law reports which report significant cases from the Supreme Court of Victoria in its first decisions and appeal decisions jurisdictions)
- CORE = State of Victoria Public Correctional Enterprises (circa 2003), since renamed Corrections Victoria
A quick scan of this extensive lot above will reveal that many are actually duplicates of the same legal matter. So it looks worse than what it really is.
Now seriously, if these sixty-six supposed cases were instead of being distinct legal battles, but distinct military combat battles – frankly our Julian would have a parade jacket resembling some North Korean minion officer of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, way more than those patchwork quilts adorned left breast by our Army’s General Sir Peter John Cosgrove, AK, CVO, MC (confessed Duntroon senior cadet bully) and those chest medals of Ben Roberts-Smith VC.

Rather, the above list of cases include many duplicates of the same legal matter. Factually, Julian Knight’s cases are way fewer…

Moreover, each case brought by Mr Knight has been a response to his copped injustice at the hands of various persecuting authorities within our Australia.
Ulterior hateful motives indeed by persecution brigades in political circles, all out of the Canberra’s Commonwealth clique – namely Duntroon Army Brass, ADF bureaucrats, Liberal Party politician bullied by a media shock jock, and political appointees running the likes of DART and DFO holding judicial power and military careers at the same time – so perceived conflicts of interest surely.
In the Australian Army, Julian was a knock-around Aussie larrikin. Consider Australia’s emerging history of larrikins: ‘The (horse) ‘Breaker’ Morant, Alberta Jacka VC, the Desert Rats, the Tunnel Rats of the Vietnam War, to larrikin Corporal Scott Smith who bravely paid the ultimate sacrifice for his country in Uruzgan, etc, etc…
Since Knight’s persecution by government ever since venturing from normal Army ranks to out-of-touch Canberra’s snobby Duntroon, Julian has battled injustice imposed on his human rights as Australian citizen.
This author entrusted this larrikin in Khaki in the field in close quarters. One could rely on him in thick and thin. But from personal experience, Duntroon institutional training culture since its naive inception back in 1911, was never about fostering Army officer mateship. Canberran elitist toffs and institutions wouldn’t have a clew in hard times. Duntroon’s training culture continues to selected grammar school lads and convert them into bullies.
Duntroon is an extension of Canberran insular culture. Aussie larrikins are anathema to such haughty insularism. Canberra/Duntroon elitist insular culture is anathema to Aussie egalitarian ANZAC spirit. That’s why the ADF has become dysfunctional and useless.
One can only envisage what Julian Knight could have achieved in combat had Duntroon training been respectful, or positive leadership (not negative) and given the opportunity.
What a waste? What a tragedy? What a disgrace to our ANZAC legacy ADF?