Senior Cadets Ransack…

Whilst at Duntroon, Julian Knight in April 1987 purchased a Holden Torana SL/R 5000 four door sedan for $6000 on credit with a car loan from the Defence Force Credit Union (DFCU).  It was yellow like this one, a powerful V8 with a manual gearbox.  It was almost a street racing car and very sought after in Australia around that time.

Julian considered the DFCU car loan interest rate to have been retail-reasonable at the time competitively – perhaps 12%?   Note that back in 1987, Australian inflation was relatively high and the Reserve Bank of Australia was constantly trying to control this by raising the nation’s bank interest rates to 17% to try to combat inflation.

Duntroon cadets who owned a car (1st, 2nd and 3rd class alike), were permitted by Duntroon rules to drive their car to Duntroon and park it in each designated car park of the respective five training company barracks on campus.   Julian parked his car behind his Kokoda Company barracks.

Julian kept two sets of car keys and stored them in his bedroom quarters.   However like so many cadet bedrooms quarters in Kokoda barracks, Julian’s assigned bedroom did not have a functioning door lock.  Duntroon Brass were long well aware of the problem.

Julian recalls that all Duntroon cadets’ wages back then were paid in cash fortnightly from the campus payroll office.  He also recalls vividly at the time that three (junior) 3rd Class cadets pay packets went missing from their private quarters in Gallipoli Company when only senior cadets were in the barracks.   Clearly, senior cadets had stolen these junior cadets’ fortnightly pay packets.

[Julian Knight continues…]

(On Tuesday 2 June 1987)…”Following the appointment with Dr JAMES, my father and I returned to the college and examined my Torana parked in the Kokoda Company car park.

Senior Cadets inflict malicious damage on Knight’s Torana SL/R 5000 car on Duntroon college campus on Monday 1st June 1987.   Above is an exact model and colour of Knight’s car.


We discovered that the driver’s side front tyre had been let down and that the engine had been disabled by the removal (and theft) of some essential engine parts – the distributor rotor, spark plug leads and other equipment).  We later learned that this had been done by some senior cadets.”

[At the time, Julian still owed around $5,600 on the car loan.   History records that by October 1987, the Australian stock market would catastrophically crash and instigate three years of economic recession. ]

We then went to my room in the barracks (adjacent Kokoda Company barrack on the ground floor) and discovered that the senior cadets had gained access to my car by using my spare set of car keys, which they had found by searching my room after the stabbing.

Later that morning my father and I met with Major Todd VERCOE (Duntroon Officer Commanding (OC) of Kokoda Company and (Kokoda Company Drill) Sergeant JORGENSON in VERCOE’s office in the (Kokoda) barracks.

When we informed Major VERCOE of what had been done to my car, Major VERCOE reacted with surprise.  He said that he knew nothing about the senior cadets tampering with my car or even that they had searched my room.

[Editor’s Comment:  Both VERCOE AND JORGENSON habitually turned a blind eye about the continual daily bastardisation antics and criminal behaviour committed by senior cadets towards the junior cadets inside the barracks.  Often VERCOE AND JORGENSON were not even present].

Major VERCOE said that he would investigate the matter and ensure that the car was restored to its original condition. [Major VERCO would renege on this undertaking to KNIGHT, forcing KNIGHT to self-fund repairs to the malicious tampering out of his own salary].

On the morning of Wednesday 3 June 1987, my mother flew up from Melbourne, and together with my father, she visited me in the grounds of the 5 Camp Hospital. She was forced, due to work commitments, to return to Melbourne late that afternoon.  During the rest of the afternoon, my father and I collected my (by then repaired) Torana and drove it to a garage in Fyshwick to have it serviced. We then spent the evening together around Canberra before I returned to 5 Camp Hospital at around 2100hrs.’

Julian did not  pay for repairs to his car, but they were substantial.

In the end, after Hoddle Street, the Defence Force Credit Union (DFCU) repossessed his car and sold it at auction.  It claimed DFCU only got $2,400 resale for it (despite the retail price being $6000 at the time.  Bullshit!   As for Julian’s debt with the DFCU, Julian says they simply wrote it off.

Had Knight kept and restored his SL/R 5000, today it would be a valuable collector’s item.

An approximate market value of KNIGHT”s SL/R 5000 Torana in 2025, had he kept it, repaired it, kept it original and maintained it since 1987.

Knight’s Army-issue uniforms and equipment thieved

KNIGHT:  “Another matter which had to be finalized as part of my discharge from RMC was the $250 worth of Army-issue uniforms and equipment that had been stolen from my room in the Kokoda Company barracks while I was in hospital.

Following the stabbing incident, all of my property in the barracks had been removed from my unlockable room and moved into a lockable room in the south wing of the Kokoda Company barracks.  I submitted an Army Loss or Damage form that described the missing items and outlined the circumstances of their loss.

Major VERCOE and Under Officer REED had investigated the matter in early June 1987, and their investigation had revealed nothing about the disappearance of the items, nor did it locate any of them. Sergeant JORGENSON assisted with the investigation but he was also unable to locate any of the missing items.  As a result, Major VERCOE officially freed me from liability. I, of course, suspected that the senior cadets in Kokoda Company had stolen the items from my room.

I believe that when my father and Major VERCOE attended my room in early June 1987, a senior cadet was in the process of stealing my Army-issue SLR rifle.

As a payback for this theft, I stole a handful of Army-issue items, including a complete set of webbing and a Japara waterproof jacket and trousers set, when I collected my property from the barracks in early June 1987.  I later discovered that the items belonged to Staff Cadet Dale BURNSIDE, one of the 2nd Class cadets who had harassed me over the previous months.

On Wednesday 8 July 1987, as part of my discharge from RMC procedure, I was interviewed by the RMC Student Counsellor, Lieutenant-Colonel HALL, in the Student Counsellor’s office next to 5 Camp Hospital.  This was the first and only occasion I met with the Student Counsellor. The interview was conducted in private and I was questioned about my 6 months at the college, my opinions about the officer training program, and any suggestions or complaints that I had.

The interview only lasted about 10 minutes and I was very guarded about what I said. I did not believe that I would achieve much by detailing my complaints or recounting my experiences of bastardization.  I just wanted to get my discharge procedure completed and return to Melbourne.  [Editor Comment:  Likewise! ]

I did, however, complain strongly about the joint 2nd Class/3rd Class field exercises saying that “it was a nightmare going on exercise with 2nd Class.

[Editorial Comment:   Duntroon seriously fostering trust, loyalty, respect and individual commitment and team spirit within the training platoon ranks?   NO! From direct experience, Duntroon training is about negative leadership (think of the movie Full Metal Jacket).  Instead, and bizarrely, Duntroon inculcates amongst its budding junior Army ‘officer’ cadets within their very own platoon ranks levels (3rd Class, 2nd Class and 1st Class) over its now condense d18 months (from 4 years) a hyper-rushed, wafer-thin useless military training – attributes of mutual distrust, animosity, hatred, contempt, resentment and mutiny, else AWOL to escape the crap. Guilty as charged! ] 

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