This is the official website of Australian Soldier Julian Knight.
Having duly served the Supreme Court of Victoria’s imposed sentence of 27 years for his immediately confessed mass crime, unelected politician Denis Napthine usurped the judiciary and illegally imposed indefinite detention. Instantly in 2014 Julian Knight became not a criminal, but a political prisoner of the Victorian Government No. 49821 held at Port Phillip Prison | formerly Army Corps of Staff Cadet No. 5266 at the Royal Military College Duntroon | formerly Australian Army Reserve Trooper No. 3204059.
*Soldier: We consider the title of Soldier to be a noble profession the moment a civilian signs up to serve Country, followed by training, experience and sacrifice in battle. So we duly grammatise it with a capital ‘S’. ADF personnel (whether a ‘Soldier’, ‘Sailor’, ‘Aircrew’, or any other ADF role, from Day 1 to serve their country (Australia) instantly becomes a special member of our vital Australian Defence Force.
From Day 1 sign-up, each Army recruit deserves this capital title ‘Soldier’ despite pre-trained, pre- experienced, pre-active service, pre-medal recipient, pre-veteran, pre-wounded, pre-KIA.
Such military ‘sign up’ is so much a distinct and a higher calling that most other professions / trades.
Let no person who has ever ‘signed up to serve their country‘ ever hold any doubt of their rare courage to serve. We Australians as CIVVY citizens hold a profound civilian duty to respect and be proud of what these relative few committed souls put their lives in harm’s way and continue to champion and protect our fortunate way of life in Australia. They proudly follow in the legacy of our forebears of similar ilk who hard-fought and sacrificed.
Sadly increasingly these are forgotten brave heroes. History repeats. Sadly, negative and dangerous mis-training of those so committed risks outcomes like Hoddle Street (1987) and Full Metal Bullet (1987). Both a bully bad year of Soldier negative recruitment training.