This is the only official website authorised by Mr Julian Knight, a former Army Officer Cadet at the Australian Defence Force’s Royal Military College at Duntroon in Australia’s national capital city, Canberra.

Julian Knight (standing) volunteered in the Australian Army Reserve as a trooper in the 4th/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse Regiment (4th/ 19th PWLH) between 4 December 1985, up to his arrival at Duntroon on 12th January 1987.

This website has nothing to do with anyone else by the same or similar name, including a completely different Julian Carlton Knight MP (born 5 January 1972), a United Kingdom Conservative politician and MP for House of Commons constituency of Solihull in England.

Australia’s own Julian Knight is an intelligent and ambitious Melbourne-born lad who had voluntarily joined up to serve his country to become a lifetime Army career soldier.

Kokoda Company Third Class Staff Cadet Julian Knight with his colleague Staff Cadet Steve Grace by Steve’s car – early 1987 at Duntroon.

Pre-Duntroon (Royal Military College in Canberra), Julian Knight was raised in an Army family, his father an Army Major, and Julian always sought an Army career from an early age – each time as soon as he was of eligible age – joining the Cubs, then Scouts, then School Cadet Corps, then the Australian Army Reserve.

This MENU ITEM section of this website ‘PRE-DUNTROON‘ looks briefly at Julian Knight’s pre-adult life ahead of him being accepted for Army Officer Training at Duntroon at age just 18.

We dedicate the following chronological webpages by way of introduction to who Julian Knight is:

  1. Knight’s Commitment to Serve

  2. b.1986 Army Childhood>1985

  3. 1985: He Joins Army Reserves

  4. 1986: Selected for RMC Duntroon

  5. Contact Mr Knight

  6. An Australian Soldiers Library

It was Julian Knight’s Duntroon experience as a junior staff cadet in 1987 that changed everything. But it was not the fair drill discipline metered out by the official training NCOS and Officers. It was the sadistic bastardisation dished out by senior cadets after hours (typically between midnight and Reveille at 6am) in barracks out of sight, but no less known and endorsed by the RMC Duntroon Brass command institutionally delegated to senior cadets to informally “weed out” freshmen as they saw fit (took a dislike to) and with extreme prejudice and no rules.

On June 26, 1987 Warner Bros. released the Stanley Kubrick movie Full Metal Jacket – a shocking exposé about the US Marine abusive training culture.

This is what this website is about – researching and documenting the background, the facts, reviewing expert opinions, critiquing the media scrutiny, analysing, and telling the full ongoing life story of Julian Knight – our mate whilst with him at Duntroon.

This website does not seek to take an objective or impartial journalistic stance.  We don’t consider that much True Journalism about the Hoddle Street Shooting Spree and Army Staff Cadet  Julian Knight has been reported since 1987.   So we counter the biased media reporting that simplistically scapegoats Knight and omits Duntroon’s bastardisation culpability.

What is ‘True Journalism’?

“To promote for the public benefit high ethical standards in journalism, based on principles of truth and accuracy, independence, fairness and impartiality, humanity and accountability by the provision of education and training of journalists and the publication of useful research.”

~ Ethical Journalism Network,

Instead, the media in writing and speaking about about Hoddle Street and Julian Knight have in the most part stepped outside the honourable profession of true journalism – to report the facts and the views from both sides of the fence, but slippery sloped into the realm of columnist opinion, supposition, myth, hate, omission, and ignorant prejudice.  Such was to selel more media -newpapers, radio shock jock ratings, TV ‘news’ ratings – all compromising the public’s trust in perceived journalism.

None in the media knew of Julian Knight before Hoddle Street.   But his colleagues did and trusted him implicitly whilst at Duntroon officer training including at close quarters during multiple military training exercises in the Army’s Majura Training Area just outside Canberra back in 1987.

This website is correct all that, without fear or favour.  The MENU HEADERS are in a sequential order (from left to right) from past to present:


This website’s content remains a work-in-progress.  We hold an considerable record collection on this subject, and we continue to undertake targeted research into selected complex topics, such as psychology which is a field outside our training and experience.  From time to time we may engage experts to contribute their opinions in this regard.

Since 2014 Julian Knight has remained a political prisoner of the Victorian Government in its maximum security rated Port Phillip Prison in the west of Melbourne due to a politically prejudiced draft Bill initiated by the unelected Premier Denis Napthine at the time and enacted by the Parliament of Victoria.

Julian was born in 1968 into an Army family and by age 17 he joined up and trained as an Infantry Trooper training with the Australian Army Reserve (26 Nov 1985 to 15 Mar 1987) and then as an Officer Staff Cadet at the Royal Military College  (RMC) at Duntroon with the Australian Regular Army (12 Jan 1987 to 24 Jul 1987).  [SOURCE:  Julian Knight’s Certificate of Service in The Australian Army]

WHY the Hoddle Street Shootings?   The victims and the public still have no answers, while media commentators keep either guessing or stepping into a psychiatrist role, missing the bleeding obvious, because they had no idea of the prelude of torment, and ignorantly failed to investigate.

With the unique benefits of association, insight, hindsight and analysis, this website seeks to finally explain to the victims and to the public, how an intelligent and larrikin soldier could be riled to commit Hoddle Street?

The content of this website contains mainly articles and material authored by Mr Julian Knight, whom since 1987, having pleading guilty on 28 October 1988 in the Supreme Court of Victoria to the Hoddle Street Shootings in Melbourne in 1987, has served more than his minimum 27-year non-parole custodial sentence.  Upon sentencing in November 1988, no maximum imprisonment  term was set by the sentencing justice, but rather any parole would be subject to one key determinant for the Adult Parole Board to critically consider, that there be no doubt about Knight presenting a danger to the community.

Further background and details about Mr Julian Knight on this website will be posted in due course and explaining the hateful persecution he experienced by a culture of torment whilst at Royal Military College at Duntroon, his subsequent psychotic unleashing – his regrettable alcohol-fuelled state of depression, temporary insanity and rage that sparked the notorious Hoddle Street Shootings on the Sunday night of 9th August 1987.

The shooting rampage took place just 16 days after Knight’s honourable discharge in absentia from the Australian Regular Army, at a time of post-Duntroon systematic targeted physical and psychological abuse, persecution and bastardization over the preceding  six months whilst at RMC.   But the media at the time and since, has failed to connect this real compounded cause and its catastrophic effect.   The reasons are a combination of media ignorance of psychiatry and of Duntroon and the ADF’s reactive campaign of silencing, scapegoating and misinformation to coverup its bastardisation of Staff Cadet Julian Knight.   This was a tragedy that had Duntroon management been respect9ful of its officer cadets, it should never have happened.   The Hoddle Street Shootings are a sad indictment on Australia’s ADF – of how such hateful, sustained treatment of an intelligent, successful and disciplined Army Corporal with an exemplary record before being accepted into Duntroon, was during his officer ‘training’ and indoctrination, targeted and condemned to a psychotic state to go hatefully postal.

Hate inculcates hate.

In Mr Knight’s own words:

“On 6 June 1988, the Presentment against me was filed in the Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne (Case No T557 of 1988).  I was formally charged with  7 counts of murder and 46 counts of attempted murder.

In early October 1988, following negotiations with the Office of Public Prosecutions, it was decided that I would plead guilty to all charges in the Presentment filed against me (7x counts of murder and 46x counts of attempted murder). 

It is my understanding that these negotiations involved input from the Army.  Part of my plea agreement with the Crown and their main condition was that no evidence of the bastardization I had experienced at Duntroon would be led during my plea hearing.  In return, the Crown undertook that it would not oppose the setting of a minimum term to the Life sentence I was certain to receive. 

It was made clear by the Crown that if we went back on this agreement, by raising the issue of bastardization at Duntroon, the Crown would renege on its promise not to oppose the setting of a minimum term and would treat the plea hearing as a contested proceeding.

On 28 and 31 October 1988, my plea hearing was held in the Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne before the Honourable Justice George HAMPEL.   ..My time at Duntroon was addressed briefly during the first day of my plea hearing…but no acts of bastardization were detailed.”

[SOURCE:  Extracts from Army Officer Staff Cadet Julian Knight (3204059) CSC Bo 5266, Personal Account Statutory Declaration to Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (DART), pp.89-90, whilst a prisoner, declared in Port Phillip Prison in the State of Victoria on 26 November 2013.] 

Pleaded Guilty and Sentenced on a Duntroon Plea Bargain

At the 1988 hearing, Mr Julian Knight honoured his agreement with the Crown by not raising any evidence of the bastardization he had experienced at Duntroon as any form of defence or contributory causation for him committing the Hoddle Street Shootings.

Duntroon military management was clearly aware of the likely connections by the media that would arise from Staff Cadet Knight’s psychological and physical persecution during his Duntroon training experience in the immediate months (Jan-Jul 1987) leading up to the Hoddle Street Shootings psychotic outburst in August 1987.  So Duntroon military management went into full survival mode.

Mr Julian Knight was sentenced in Court 4 of the Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne, on Thursday the 10th  November 1988 by sentencing judge Mr Justice George Hampel for a minimum non-parole term of 27 years.  This was dated from the date of Mr Julian Knight’s arrest on 9th August 2014, the night of the Hoddle Street shootings, after which he was held in custody (prison), so his release date was to be 10th August 2014.

Victorian Government has since reneged on its plea bargain promise with this soldier

However, politically motivated the Victorian Government (Liberal Party  on 2nd April 2014 instead reneged on prosecuting Crown’s plea bargaining agreement with Mr Julian Knight of 1988 to pass specific legislation to disallow his release by passing the following amendment legislation on 20th November 2013 specifically targeting Mr Julian Knight’s incarceration ahead of the due expiry of Mr Julian Knight’s 27-year non-parole term.

CORRECTION AMENDMENT (PAROLE) ACT 2014 (No. 18 of 2014) – SECT 3 – New Section 74AA inserted – “74AA Conditions for making a parole order to Julian Knight”.

This political usurping of the judicial system in Victoria represents not just a denial of natural justice for Mr Julian Knight, but a flagrant undermining the powers of separation which are enshrined under the Constitution of Australia 1901.

This legislation is political and unjust.  It means that political interference with the Crown in Victoria makes Mr Julian Knight effectively a political prisoner in Australia for the term of his natural life.   This deserves to be a matter for the High Court of Australia.

This website is former Army Trooper Julian Knight’s story, with contributions from his mates.

This website seeks to tell the truth of what really happened, warts and all.

Julian Knight in khaki beret as a 17 year old Melbourne High School Army cadet on an Army Reserve training weekend in 1985 taken at Puckapunyal, Victoria. It was two years before Duntroon

“I ultimately bear responsibility for what I did in Hoddle Street, but: “No bastardisation at Duntroon?.. no massacre in Hoddle Street.”

~  Julian Knight , 15th January 2015, paper ‘RMC Duntroon and Bastardisation’ (in his prison literature).

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