Police statements

The following documents comprise internal diary notes, arrest file records, formal statements and interview transcripts by Australian Federal Police in Canberra and the Belconnen Criminal Investigation Branch (C.I.B.) associated with Julian Knight’s arrest from 31st May 1987 in connection with the malicious wounding offence.

These number a total of 42 pages and are reproduced below as downloadable PDF documents, grouped as follows:

  1. Police Notes & Diary Record
  2. Occurrences of Arrest and Custody
  3. Criminal Offence Report
  4. Minute Papers of the Police Prosecution Case – Malicious Wounding
  5. Statements by arresting Police Senior Constables TURK, WELDON
  6. Statement by Inspector of Police HEPWORTH
  7. Police Interview by First Constable AUSTIN (10 pages)
  8. Statement by Police Investigating Officer, Senior Constable NOVAK (Belconnen C.I.B.) (7 pages)

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(1)   Police Notes & Diary Record:


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(2)   Occurrences of Arrest and Custody:

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(3)  Criminal Offence Report:

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(4)  Minute Papers of the Police Prosecution Case – Malicious Wounding:

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(5)  Statements by arresting Police Senior Constables TURK, WELDON:

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(6)  Statement by Inspector of Police HEPWORTH:

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(7)  Police Interview by First Constable AUSTIN (10 pages):

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(8)  Statement by Police Investigating Officer, Senior Constable NOVAK (Belconnen C.I.B.) (7 pages):

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Location Map of Belconnen C.I.B. to the Private Bin and Duntroon:

Belconnen C.I.B. is a suburb of Canberra about 8km from Duntroon. ‘The Private Bin’ nightclub is located midway between the two.  It  is a business tenant within the arched ‘Sydney Building’ on level G (ground floor) at address 32 Northbourne Avenue, Civic, ACT 2601.  The premises and business has long since been renamed and is currently ‘Reload Bar and Games’. 

Site of the stabbing:

Formerly the ‘Private Bin’ (tavern and nightclub) |  Currently the ‘RELOAD BAR AND GAMES’  |    https://reloadbar.com.au/  |   Check out 3D video tour of the inside of the premises via the website link.   The venue has a similar use as previously, even interior layout is similar; and given the name, still attracts military cadets and NCO’s from nearby Duntroon and ADFA.

Yeah, we get the association – RELOADing booze instead of magazines.   But why not perhaps nickname this venue ‘The Stab and Squelch’, or ‘Knight’s R&R’ (Renunciation & Retribution), or ‘The 3am Switchblade’ or ‘Mongo’s Faux Pas’?

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