12-JUN-2020: Julian Knight’s humanitarian appeal to the United Nations over political imprisonment

Once a convict and now political prisoner Julian Knight has filed an official complaint and appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Committee following the Victorian State Government’s usurping of the judicial system by passing a persecutive law of purgatory, so overruling Justice Hempel’s sentencing of Knight back in 1988.

Knight would have been eligible for parole six years ago, but the Denis Napthine Liberal Victoria Government introduced a retrospective persecution law in 2014 specifically targeting one individual, Julian Knight, to keep him behind bars indefinitely.  It is throw away the key draconian legislation, after Knight has duly service his imposed sentence.

The current Daniel Andrew’s Labour Victorian Government is kowtowing to the Liberals in this political persecution.  In respect to the separation  of powers between the judiciary and the executive, the Labs are no different to the Liberal Party.

This is a political decision against natural justiccs and against human rights.  It perpetuates Julian Knight no long a criminal who has dutifully served his time incarcerated for 27 years and more, but since 2014 a political prisoner of the Victorian State of Victoria.  He is a defiant Ned Kelly of our 21st Century.

The shooting spree he committed back in 1987 was an alcohol fuelled psychosis to impart a revenge for his torment by Duntroon and subsequent depression.  In hindsight his psychosis to enact drunken revenge upon society (convenient innocent civilians in Melbourne) instead would have been better to have consciously targeted the Duntroon brass and senior cadet bullies who had tormented him for six straight months to a boiling rage.

Melbourne solicitor Isabelle Skaburskis said she was representing Knight in his UN complaint, which requires considerable research, drafting and reviewing of material dating back to his original conviction.

“It is important that Mr Knight is able to assist me in this submission,” she wrote to the court.  “He would be greatly facilitated in doing so if he is able to retain access to an in-cell computer.”


Julian Knight is seeking permissions from the Supreme Court to appeal his 1988 conviction and sentence, based on forensic and photographic evidence.  Knight has electronic copies of more than 350 crime scene and autopsy photos of the victims.

In March, Knight was given access to a disk with data files relating to his case.  A separate disk containing the images was given to the prison’s deputy general manager for Knight to access on request.

A separate case on his computer access was thrown out last year.  Knight was given access to a laptop in his cell for five weeks in December 2017, but from January 2018 until November last year he had supervised access to the laptop in the Port Phillip Prison library twice a week.  He lost access in November after Corrections Victoria Deputy Commissioner Rod Wise asked for a review.

“I am told (you) repeatedly attempted to obtain copies of your crime scene photographs despite clear instructions not to do so without prior arrangements,” Mr Wise wrote to Knight in December.
“This caused some significant distress to the Education Coordinator who innocently opened the file to arrange printing, only to be confronted with the graphic photos without warning.”

Five cases have been thrown out this month, including attempts to regain his computer rights.


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Who is Julian Knight ?

This is the only official website authorised by Mr Julian Knight, a former Army Officer Cadet at Royal Military College at Duntroon in Australia’s national capital city, Canberra. Julian is an intelligent and ambitious Australian Melbourne-born lad who had joined up to serve his country as a lifetime Army career soldier.  […]
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