Innate Larrikin Personality

(Content pending)


Julian Knight was a larrikin in character and this stemmed from an early age in his childhood.  Perhaps this was his coping mechanism to deal with much change and instability in his upbringing in which he had no control or say.

In Julian Knight’s own words:

“Reviewing my service history as far back as the Boy Scouts, it is apparent that my performance tended to fall at either end of the spectrum: I either performed at the top of the class or failed miserably (often combined with disciplinary action).

Neuropsychological testing and academic results since my imprisonment have tended to show that the Selection Board assessments of my intellectual and academic potential were underrated. It could be said that by “playing the fool” people tended to think I was one.

In February 1988, after neuropsychological testing with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised (WAIS-R) in November 1987, I was assessed as having a full scale IQ of 132 (placing me in the top 2.2% of the population).”

[SOURCE:  ‘Personal Account’ submitted by Julan Knight to the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce on 26 November 2013]

Duntroon culture did not accept larrikinism, rather it frowned upon it as a trait of the enlisted ranks and unbecoming of an Army officer.



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