Confession & Re-enactments

Knight’s Interrogation by Police

Following Knight’s arrest within a hour of the shootings, he was transferred by Victoria Police in an unmarked police car to the St Kilda Road Police Complex where he was interrogated extensively by Victoria Homicide Squad Detectives McIntosh and Cox, and briefly by the then head of the Homicide Squad, Detective Chief Inspector Brendon Cole.

Knight was then again interrogated extensively by Homicide Squad detectives Detective Senior Sergeant Brian McCarthy and Detective Senior Constable Graham Kent.   The police interrogation process was Soviet-esk lasting 14 hours straight through the night well into the next day, Monday.  This is despite early on during the interrogation process, Knight confessed to the Homicide Squad detectives his solo perpetration of all the Hoddle Street shootings.  He was still aged just 19 years.

Note that time stamp of the police interrogation video snapshot below is dated August 10, 1987 at time 01:20 hours. It was Sunday and the interrogation went for 14 hours straight.  Knight was fully frank and co-operative throughout.


At the homicide detectives’ request, Knight also participated in both a night-time crime re-enactment and a day-time crime re-enactment, both of which were videoed.  Again, Knight was interrogated en route and fully co-operative with the homicide detectives throughout.


Victoria Police homicide detective Graham Kent requested of Julian Knight that he provide investigating police with a guided detailed Q&A walk-around on-site re-enactment of the crime scene of his Hoddle Street Shootings the very next day.  It was Sunday 10th August 1987.  Julian Knight was fully co-operative, frank and explicit.

He was still in shock, still feeling suicidal and still hung-over/sobering up more than 12 hours since the shootings.  Julian was 19 years old.

At 12.20pm on Monday 10 August 1987, Knight was charged with the murder of John Muscat, Knight’s first victim. Other charges would follow as police gathered evidence of the shootings.

Julian Knight being escorted by Victoria Police into a police paddy wagon on the day after the shooting.  He is dressed in the same dark green denim – the same clothes he wore during the shooting spree.   Moustaches seemed all the go in 1987 – for working class Victorians.

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