Jan 2023: Knight seeks witness statements from former Duntroon 3rd Class staff cadet colleagues

Any Duntroon Staff Cadet who was training at the Australian Army’s Royal Military College (RMC) at Duntroon in Canberra during the January 1987 intake, who had any association with Staff Cadet Julian Knight at the time, else observed the treatment Knight was subjected to, is requested to contact this website, being Julian Knight’s official website.

This is the link:


A Relevant Background:

Julian Knight entered Duntroon as a young enthusiastic career soldier, was considerably scrutinised by the Australian Army as being eligible, suitable with the right abilities, passing all psychological and aptitude testing necessary by the Officer Selection Board in late 1986 to be capable of being an leader of soldiers in the Army.  Out of 3000 RMC applicants, Julian was one of 150 selected recruits, just 5% being accepted as having what it takes for the January 1987 Army officer training intake.

Julian Knight commenced training as an Army Officer Staff Cadet at Duntroon on 13th January 1987.

On 10th July 1987, just 25 weeks and 3 days later his formal resignation (honourable discharge)  from the Royal Military

College at Duntroon was finalised along with a official denial of his expectant Army career.

The media-dubbed, ‘Hoddle Street Massacre‘ in Melbourne, took place on the night of Sunday 9th August 1987 a short walk from Julian Knight’s family home.  That night soon afterwards Julian Knight was quickly captured by police, arrested and immediately confessed his guilt.

The timing between the Army’s notification of Knight’s formal discharge from RMC and the Army communicated to Julian Knight on 10th July 1987, and the timing of Julian committing the Hoddle Street Massacre on 9th August 1987 was 4 weeks and 2 days.

Duntroon and the Australian Army at Knight’s criminal trial plea-bargained with Knight that he promise to not say the Australian Army and specifically that Duntroon’s bastardisation culture had any complicity with his actions or frame of mind in the Hoddle Street Massacre.  Seven civilians were murdered and 19 injured.

Knight accepted this plea bargain, his guilt and he accepted his 27 year custodial sentence with parole at the end.  Knight fully served out his sentence.

The Australian Army reneged on that plea bargain.  The Australian Army and Duntroon have politically lobbied for Knight to be never released, which was granted by the Victorian Parliament.

There are no opinions in the above brief background, just the factual reality.

Since Victorian Parliament’s politically vindictive Act in 2014, again targeting Julian Knight, he has become no longer a criminal prisoner, but a political prisoner of the Victorian State Government.

There is nothing in the ADF that its institutionalised ‘training’ system of physical and psychological bastardisation at RMC Duntroon and other ADF military training institutions could not prevent grooming a repeat psychotic episode by another candidate of ‘officer material’.


Army Infantry Trooper Julian BEFORE Duntroon as a committed Australian Army Reservist  [1982-1986]

Julian at Duntroon nursing his broken arm outside Duntroon’s hospital following a targeted bastardisation attack by RMC Senior Cadets [1987]

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