KNIGHT loses his case against the DFO Goliath (9-May-2024)

Regrettably for Applicant Mr Knight, presiding Justice Button of the Federal Court of Australia (in Melbourne) on 9th May 2024 ordered that Mr Knight’s amended originating application be dismissed against the Respondent the Defence Force Ombudsman (DFO)  – in other words against his nemesis the ADF again; i.e. The Australian Army; i.e. Duntroon, i.e. Duntroon Bastardisation abuse he repeatedly copped from senior cadet assailants throughout his Army officer training in 1987.

In this case, Knight was again forced to be self-represented from his high security prison cell despite having served out his judicial criminal sentence by May 2014, since then a Political Prisoner of the Victorian Parliament.  Knight was denied legal counsel, denied a computer, denied case research access, denied Internet access.  He came up against the Australia Government’s taxpayer funded Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) once again, and with an unlimited budget – so armed with an overpaid King’s Counsel and a firm of lawyers.    It was a David and Goliath contest.  Knight remains a determined fighter in more was than one.

Even then, the AGS couldn’t get its act together before the hearing on two occasions.   The first time on the day before the original set hearing date of 29 November 2023, the AGS sought an adjournment.  The second time, the AGS lodged its 40 paragraph submission plus for attachments on 16 February 2024, being just 11 business days before the Date of Hearing on 4 March 2024, given Mr Knight little time to review it before the hearing date.

This collectively smells of yet another deliberate ploy by Defence, the Federal Government and its quangos – DART, DFO and the Commonwealth Ombudsman – to frustrate the judicial system as it has done since Day 1 back in 1987 with its ADF bastardisation, obfuscation of culpability, and token subsequent quangos, and injustice.  If Knight is denied justice then by ramification so will always be the victims of Hoddle Street.  Hoddle Street would not have happened had it not been for the Duntroon Bastardisation that drove Knight to drunken delusional psychotic state of mind 16 days after the Army turfed him into the gutter destitute and dejected.


Defence Abuse Culture Thrives

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Knight's sworn statement to Federal Police about his Defence Abuse at RMC

Statement in the matter of:   ‘Assault of Julian Knight at Duntroon’   This statement made by me accurately sets out the evidence that I would be prepared, if necessary, to give in court as a witness.  The statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make […]
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