Defence Abuse claim to RMC Duntroon

Knight sues Senior Cadets for Assault and Duntroon for Culpable Negligence 

    • Case Title: ‘Knight v Commonwealth of Australia (No 3)‘ in the Supreme Court of Victoria
    • Dates:  Lodged in 2014 |  Hearing Dates: 4, 7 May, 3 August, 3 November 2015  | Decision Date: 13 January 2017]
    • Claims Summary:   Julian Knight (as plaintiff) pursues the Commonwealth of Australia (as owner of The Australian Regular Army and its officer training school at Royal Military College at Duntroon, ACT) for damages arising from 10 identified incidents involving an assault or battery (or both) upon him at Duntroon and the Private Bin Nightclub in Civic in 1987.
      • The claim is principally targeted at the Commonwealth which is said to be both vicariously liable for the actions of the persons who committed the assaults and batteries as well as liable in negligence as a result of a failure to provide a safe system of work.
      • Julian Knight (as plaintiff) also seeks damages against the second defendant (former staff cadet Craig Colis Thorp) and third defendant (former staff cadet Philip John Reed) for those assaults or batteries which they committed against Julian Knight in 1987.


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