Appeal to UN against Hate Act

Backstory to Mr Knight’s 1988 Prison Sentence:

On 10th November 1988, Julian Knight was sentenced in the Supreme Court of Victoria to a minimum non-parole incarceration term of 27 years for his Hoddle Street shooting spree crimes which included 7 dead and 19 injured.

The sentence duration was duly backdated to the date of his initial arrest and custody by Police on the night of the crimes, Sunday 9th August 1987 and him being held on remand in prison up until the sentencing hearing date.

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By May 2014, Mr Knight had served out his sentence and was judicially eligible to apply for parole.  So he applied for that parole to the Adult Parole Board of Victoria at the time.


Napthine subverts Judiciary


HC Appeal v Napthine Act


Once a convict 1987-2014 and since 2014 a political prisoner of the Victorian State Parliament, Julian Knight has filed an official complaint and appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Committee following the Victorian State Parliament’s usurping of the judicial system by passing a persecutive law of purgatory, so overruling Justice Hempel’s sentencing of Knight back in 1988.

Mr Knight was eligible for parole in 2014, but the Denis Napthine Liberal Victoria Government introduced a retrospective persecution law in 2014 specifically targeting one individual, Julian Knight, to keep him behind bars indefinitely.  It is throw away the key draconian legislation, after Knight has duly service his imposed sentence.

In 2020,  Mr Knight sought evidentiary photos of the Hoddle Street crime scene and autopsy photos in the Supreme Court of Victoria.  This evidence would form part of this proposed appeal against his judicial conviction, sentencing; and the extra-judicial indefinite incarceration politically overriding the Judiciary.  In May 2014, Mr Knight would have been eligible for parole, but Victoria introduced retrospective laws to keep him behind bars indefinitely.

He had lost a High Court bid to have the laws overturned., however his appeal was rejected by the High Court of Australia.

So, no one for giving up a fight, Mr Knight then made a separate complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.  Melbourne solicitor Isabelle Skaburskis said she was representing Knight in the UN complaint, which requires considerable research, drafting and reviewing of material dating back to his original conviction.

On 7th August 2020:  News Corp’s The Herald Sun newspaper in Melbourne reported that Julian Knight (at age 52) had reportedly been taken to hospital after deciding to stop eating and drinking as a last-ditch humanitarian protest.   Knight was transported to St Vincent’s Hospital in what is believed to be a serious condition.  Details about the nature of that so-called contraband was not reported by the media.

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