Jonathan Holmes, ABC

[In Julian Knight’s own words]:

“On 14 December 1988, the ABC broadcast its TV documentary “Hoddle Street” (produced by David Morgan and Mark Ruse, and narrated by Jonathan Holmes).

This documentary includes excerpts from an interview with the Commandant of RMC, Major-General Murray BLAKE.  It also included commentary on my time at Duntroon by Tim WATSON-MUNRO and Dr David SIME.  As mentioned (previously), Major-General BLAKE conceded in his interview that I had been subjected to two acts of “bastardization” whilst at RMC.  Both Mr WATSON-MUNRO and Dr SIME were critical of the Army’s handling of my discharge in light of the circumstances surrounding my discharge. 

I have been informed that it is possible to purchase a copy of the “Hoddle Street” documentary from ABC Programme Sales.”


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