Police v KNIGHT (Re: stabbing)

[Editor’s Note:  This is in reference to Duntroon junior Staff Cadet Julian KNIGHT’s stabbing of senior staff cadet CSM Philip ‘Mongo’ REED at the Canberra nightclub on Sunday 31 May 1987 at 3am.  KNIGHT then confessed quickly to a nearby police patrol, police records obtained through Freedom of Information many years later reveal no indication of computer use.  All documents are unclassified.

PC’s had only just been invented and distributed in Australia from 1984, and Police are usually one of the last departments to acquire technology.  So we provide PDF copies of scanned pages of evidence and records created originally by typewriter else by pen.  These PDF documents can all be downloaded and printed respectively from the links provided below each.  The quality of the documents is poor due to these being copies of copies f copies so the clarify is much reduced from the originals, also in a few cases sections have been redacted by the police/prosecution.

The only exception is with KNIGHT’s second statement made many years later in 2015 via teleconference from Port Phillip Prison in Victoria.  His police interview was  transcribed from voice format into text format on a PC by ACT Police (Australian Capital Territory – Canberra).

This second statement formed part of KNIGHT’s statement of evidence as a witness this time of Duntroon Bastardisation in his subsequent legal case as Applicant to sue Duntroon (Commonwealth of Australia) as Defendant, for damages compensation for the extraordinary and violent military abuse he endured whilst serving as a Army Officer Staff Cadet at Duntroon back in 1987.

Note that this website also covers this legal suit separately – under this same menu heading ‘DUNTROON HATE‘ – then scroll down to ‘Knight Sues Duntroon’  – this is the internal link:    https://julianknight.com.au/duntroon-hate/knight-sues-duntroon/.

Please note that under this menu subheading ‘Police v KNIGHT (Re: stabbing)‘, due to the sizeable volume of the documented record content, we have divided it up into logical further sub-groupings per below links, and where possible in date order within.]


This episode continues…

  1. KNIGHT’s Statements to Police

  2. Police Statements

  3. Witness Statements

  4. Expert Witness Statements

  5. Court Bail Hearing

  6. DPP’s Malicious Wounding Case

  7. Prosecution Abandons Case

Download [3.59 MB]

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