We detail the lead up to the Hoddle Street Shooting Spree of 9th August 1987 from Julian Knight’s targeted and relentless subjection to hate-filled criminal persecution (bastardisation) by senior cadets at the Australian Army Officer Royal Military College at Duntroon (Jan – Jun 1987).
This sad and horrific tale of Hoddle Street emanated from psychological condition of Duntroon Bastardisation. The latter is fully detailed in the pages of this website’s front page top menu listed under the heading ‘DUNTROON HATE‘.
Institutionalised Duntroon Bastardisation culture since its inception in 1911, drove 18 year old keen recruit to be an Army Officer, one Julian Knight from this youthful larrikin innocence…
To this…
Back story of truth in this case:
Except, different outcome…Julian’s immediate psychosis and delusional state saw him within weeks retaliate against Society on Hoddle Street. Pity his psychosis was spontaneously committed in a drunken state in Melbourne against innocent civilians, not against senior cadets and the Duntroon Brass on campus – all culpable.
In this particular article, we cut to the chase – May 1987 – what would be the climax of this and the final month of Knight at Duntroon. The bullying escalated to a crescendo that would escalate his resentment such that he retaliated…
This is not excusing his crimes a few weeks later on Hoddle Street. It is the truth about how Duntroon Hate culture drove his state of mind to vengeful psychosis.

- Media commentators on the Hoddle Street crimes have unlikely ever covered the scale of a genuine ‘massacre’ as defined by human History, so we don’t use that media propaganda term].