But “finest” at what? RMC Duntroon, from experience of many hopeful and ambitious cadets, inculcates negative leadership and intra-company distrust, rivalries, resentment and hate. Senior cadets ranked at just six months of Duntroon training apart are institutionally pitted against incoming junior 3rd Class cadets recruited to own company from Day 1. […]
DMA’s Board of Study: On Wednesday 3 June 1987, the Duntroon DMA’s Board of Study sat in review of ‘5266, Staff Cadet Third Class J. Knight’ (Knight in absentia and unaware). The Brief of the DMA BoS (Board of Study) recorded the summary of the CSC CO, Lieutenant-Colonel KIBBEY, as: “Unsatisfactory […]
We detail the lead up to the Hoddle Street Shooting Spree of 9th August 1987 from Julian Knight’s targeted and relentless subjection to hate-filled criminal persecution (bastardisation) by senior cadets at the Australian Army Officer Royal Military College at Duntroon (Jan – Jun 1987). This sad and horrific tale of Hoddle Street […]
Julian Knight has requested a relevant new nonfiction book published by Melbourne University Press on 17th September 2024. It’s entitled ‘Warrior Soldier Brigand – Institutional Abuse within the Australian Defence Force‘, written by two researching professors. Professor Ben Wadham PhD, an Army Infantry veteran himself, specialises in Sociology at Flinders University […]
In Julian Knight’s own words: “I had wanted to enlist in the Army for as long as I can remember. From around the age of 12 my ambition was to emulate my father and become an officer in the Australian Army. During my school years my goal was to attend the […]
This article was first published 7th March 2012 by a former Army mate of Julian Knight, Staff Cadet Steven Ridd whom at Duntroon trained alongside Knight in the same recruit intake of January 1987. Staff Cadet Ridd was assigned to the same training Third Class, same training ‘Kokoda Company’, same training […]
What is the commonly accepted definition of ‘corruption‘? “dishonest or illegal behaviour involving a person in a position of power”. In light of the judgment of the Honourable Button J in Knight v Defence Force Ombudsman [2024] FCA 474, (at paragraph 147), Mr KNIGHT is challenging the Defence Force Ombudsman (DFO) […]
Statement in the matter of: ‘Assault of Julian Knight at Duntroon’ This statement made by me accurately sets out the evidence that I would be prepared, if necessary, to give in court as a witness. The statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make […]
Regrettably for Applicant Mr Knight, presiding Justice Button of the Federal Court of Australia (in Melbourne) on 9th May 2024 ordered that Mr Knight’s amended originating application be dismissed against the Respondent the Defence Force Ombudsman (DFO) – in other words against his nemesis the ADF again; i.e. The Australian Army; […]
INTRO: By way of background, following the notorious 2011 Skype Sex Scandal out of the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), the Australia Government led by Prime Minister Julia Gillard at the time (2010-2013) initiated its Department of Defence to conduct a series of independent investigations and reviews into multiple allegations of […]
INTRO: This is the fifth article of a series of five articles concerning Mr Knight’s legal case challenge of 2023 against the Australian Government’s Defence Force Ombudsman due to its failure in due process of Mr Knight’s legitimate reparations claim in 2013 for the Defence abuse he suffered at Duntroon in […]
INTRO: This is the fourth article of a series of three articles concerning Mr Knight’s legal case challenge of 2023 against the Australian Government’s Defence Force Ombudsman due to its failure in due process of Mr Knight’s legitimate reparations claim in 2013 for the Defence abuse he suffered at Duntroon in […]
INTRO: This is the third article of a series of five articles concerning Mr Knight’s legal case challenge of 2023 against the Australian Government’s Defence Force Ombudsman due to its failure in due process of Mr Knight’s legitimate reparations claim in 2013 for the Defence abuse he suffered at Duntroon in […]
INTRO: The following 8-page report was prepared by the Australian Government’s Defence Force Response Taskforce (the D.A.R.T.) in January 2015. It followed Mr Knight’s application of 26th November 2013 (13 months prior) to the D.A.R.T. claiming reparations payment under the then offered Defence Abuse Reparations Scheme for the repeated Defence Abuse […]
INTRO: The following submission was lodged by the legal counsel (AGS) representing the Defence Force Ombudsman (D.F.O.) in the Federal Court of Australia (Victoria) on 16 February 2024 in relation to the civil court case of Knight v Defence Force Ombudsman [VID364/2023]. It contained 17 pages in total. Within that, […]
“Bastardisation in the military has been much in the news these past few weeks, especially with the scandals at the Australian Defence Force Academy aired by the ABC on its recent Four Corners program. As I watched it all unfold, it stirred up mixed emotions for me – I am a […]
Just how depraved can Australian Defence Force (ADF) officer training get? Well, this depraved: This debased slang dictionary of 32-pages comes from officer cadets at ADFA in 1987, Canberra’s newly formed so-called ‘Australian Defence Force Academy’ just the year prior in 1986. The slang (‘lingo‘) was inherited from old Duntroon […]
Julian Knight’s sustained abuse by senior cadets whilst training to be an Army Officer at the Royal Military College Duntroon in early 1987 involved repeated regular instances of (A) Physical Abuse and (B) Workplace Harassment and Bullying. Collectively such mistreatment amounted to ‘Bastardisation‘ – a sick negative ADF culture of […]
Julian Knight’s psychotic criminal mass murder outburst in back in 1987, branded in the media newspeak as ‘The Hoddle Street Massacre‘ was a still undiagnosed psychotic violent reaction immediately following Knight’s never undiagnosed trauma from Duntroon Bastardisation. Knight (then aged just 18 upon his acceptance into RMC Duntroon) became yet another […]
Lessons from the British ‘Saltburn’ series… Saltburn is a 2023 black comedy psychological thriller film written, directed, and co-produced by whomever and starring whomever. It’s set in POSH Oxford and Northamptonshire, England, it focuses on an Oxford University student who becomes fixated with a popular, aristocratic fellow student at his university, […]
On 3rd March 2023, Julian Knight in his prison cell became aware of false media reporting of him being wrongly accused of supposedly reaching out to veterans groups for financial reparations/benefits. The media was misinformed, it was unsubstantiated innuendo and manifestly wrong. News Ltd email to Mr Knight: From: charles miranda […]
COMMENT: The following article was published under this title on ‘The Conversation‘ website by Ben Wadham, Senior Lecturer, Flinders University on 1st March 2014. We reproduce it without the bias by AAP photo comments allowed by The Conversation’s editor, and we add a few select photos ourselves. In February […]
COMMENT: The following letter is a copy of Julian Knight’s right of reply repudiating News Corp Australia columnist Charles Miranda’s critical article ‘Knight plots new legal action‘ published in the Herald -Sun newspaper 1st May 2023 at page 12). Mr Knight’s letter was posted to Mr Miranda. Mr Miranda’s article is […]
The following document is an exact copy of the original document (of Duntroon Bastardisation experiences in 1987) as authorised by Mr Julian Knight that he submitted to the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce on 26 November 2013. This document’s title is ‘COMPLAINT OF HISTORICAL ABUSE‘ BY FORMER (RMC DUNTROON) STAFF CADET […]
This is a personal factual detailed account of the experiences of junior recruit over a six month period, after having been accepted by the rigorous Australian Army (officer) Selection Board into its elite Royal Military College (RMC) Duntroon in Canberra. He was just of one of 128 recruits of that particular […]
On 26th November 2013, Julian Knight (having been an abused former junior Officer Staff Cadet at RMC Duntroon) lodged an Application for Reparation Claim to the then Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (abbreviated ‘DART’). DART had been recently established in 2012 by the (Australian federal) Gillard (Labor) Government. We reproduce below copied […]
[NOTE: The following document is an exact copy of the ‘Personal Account‘ (of Duntroon Bastardisation experiences in 1987) authored by former Army Officer Staff Cadet Julian Knight to the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (DART) on 26 November 2013. The original document is a legal annexure document first submitted by Mr Julian […]
[The following is affidavit #2 of Victorian political prisoner Mr Julian Knight (verbatim) dated 20 April 2023, including four attached documents (annexures) which shall also be reproduced on this website. The matter lodged by Mr Knight concerns his claim for reparation payment against the Australian Defence Force Ombudman (DFO) for […]
Julian Knight would like to get in contact with: The two staff cadets who filed complaints with the DART (especially the cadet who complained about Dale Burnside); Any Kokoda Company cadet who resigned or was asked to “Show Cause” in 1987; Anyone who knows why James Muntz was demoted from lance-corporal […]
Victorian Political Prisoner Julian Knight on 23rd May 2023 formally lodged an Application for Relief against the Defence Force Ombudsman in the Federal Court of Australia in the State of Victoria Division registry(where he is incarcerated) under Section 39B Judiciary Act 1903 – Form 69 – Rule 31.11(1). Court File No. […]
Aussie bush folk band Redgum – their enduring veteran protest anthem: “I Was Only Nineteen (A Walk in the Light Green)“ [Released in March 1983] [Verse 1] Mum and Dad and Denny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal It was a long march from cadets The Sixth Battalion was the […]
Any Duntroon Staff Cadet who was training at the Australian Army’s Royal Military College (RMC) at Duntroon in Canberra during the January 1987 intake, who had any association with Staff Cadet Julian Knight at the time, else observed the treatment Knight was subjected to, is requested to contact this website, being […]
The current Andrews Labor Victorian Government‘s department responsible for its state prisons, Corrections Victoria, has recently chosen to illegally deny political prisoner Julian Knight his human right to receive mail whilst in prison. This includes denying Julian any simple paper letter mailed in a paper envelope. Two letters addressed to Julian […]
The Hoddle Street Shootings would never have happened had Julian Knight attended the Officer Cadet School Portsea instead of the Royal Military College Duntroon. The Portsea school structure, constructed in 1951 in coastal Victoria during the imperatives of the Korean War (1950-53), was of a smaller scale, more practical infantry battlecraft training […]
On 7th August 2020: News Corp’s The Herald Sun newspaper in Melbourne reported that Julian Knight (at age 52) had reportedly been taken to hospital after deciding to stop eating and drinking as a last-ditch humanitarian protest. Knight was transported to St Vincent’s Hospital in what is believed to be a […]
WHY the Hoddle Street Shootings? The victims and the Australian public still have no true, deep and comprehendible answers. It’s while media commentators still keep either blame gaming, guessing or else assuming a psychiatrist role, while missing the bleeding obvious. They opinionate yet have no idea and have never endured such […]
Following a spate of public accounts from many Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel (serving, and former serving, and trainees) who had complained about receiving systemic personal abuse while in the ADF, Australia’s then Minister for Defence Senator the Hon. David Johnston and the then Attorney General Senator the Hon George […]
~ this article is written by an invited contributing author holding close personal insight. This is the only official website authorised by Mr Julian Knight. Julian is a former Army Officer Cadet at Royal Military College at Duntroon in Australia’s national capital city, Canberra. The content of this website is […]
Once a convict and now political prisoner Julian Knight has filed an official complaint and appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Committee following the Victorian State Government’s usurping of the judicial system by passing a persecutive law of purgatory, so overruling Justice Hempel’s sentencing of Knight back in 1988. Knight […]
Aside from subsequent media scrutiny over the decades since the Hoddle Street Shootings, on the very next day, Monday 10th August 1987, Melbourne’s lead newspaper The Age reported the specific crime event as a news story on its front page. That news article represented objective factual journalism. The Unbiased Journalism