News Ltd biased ignorance twists Julian Knight’s Duntroon abuse repatriation claim

On 3rd March 2023, Julian Knight in his prison cell became aware of false media reporting of him being wrongly accused of supposedly reaching out to veterans groups for financial reparations/benefits.   The media was misinformed, it was unsubstantiated innuendo and manifestly wrong.

News Ltd email to Mr Knight:

From: charles miranda <>
Message Body:

“Howdy, I understand you have been writing to various veterans agencies and groups seeking information about their policies and the like. I am curious as to what end this is for. If I am correct, you have, rightly or wrongly, been rejected for any form of veterans’ compensation so that redress is unlikely but what exactly is it you want?



We have observed that Mr Miranda has form as an opinionated sensationalist columnist, continually condemn convicted prisoner Mr Knight in his series of newspaper articles with the Herald- Sun.

Incarcerated in Port Phillip Prison, Mr Knight is denied the communication resources to be able to fairly defend himself against misinformation in the media.

Mr Miranda then persisted two weeks later, as follows…

—–Original Message—–
From: <>
Sent: Monday, 20 March 2023 10:41 AM
Subject: Message
From: charles miranda <>

Message Body:

“As per previous email, am seeking comment regarding your writing to veteran groups seeking policy.  What is it you are after, do you still believe you can access veteran benefits?

Senior Reporter
2 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010
M +61 411 263 618


On Fri, 7 Apr 2023 at 09:10, <> wrote:

“Julian Knight says he has written to the RSL to obtain a copy of their handbook for its historical information.”


From: Miranda, Charles <>
Sent: Saturday, 8 April 2023 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Message

“Ah I see. Did he receive the handbook? Any idea why he wants a historical on the RSL, is he writing a book or some such? I had heard he was reaching out to other veteran groups/agencies too.”

Later on 29th April 2023 we replied to Charles thus:

“Hello Charles,

Why don’t you just go direct to Julian Knight with your queries.

Postal Address:

Julian Knight
Port Phillip Prison
PO Box 376

Even better, get News Ltd to pay your trip to Melbourne and arrange a face-to-face visit.  You need to arrange it with him directly in advance, not just turn up.’

Two months hence, Mr Miranda wrote the following his misinformation article, despite having not confirmed facts first with Mr Knight:

20230501 Hoddle Street massacre gunman seeks veterans’ help (by Charles Miranda)


Upon discovery of the article, we wrote back to Mr Miranda thus:

On Mon, 24 Jul 2023 at 17:57, <> wrote:

“Hello Charles,

Did you take up my suggestion of you contacting Julian Knight by post directly?   We did not received any reply from you.

We note that following your email and your media (‘journalistic?’) investigation into his apparent writing to veteran groups seeking policy, that you presumed he sought access to claim veteran benefits? 

With limited facts on 1 May 2023 you authored in the Herald Sun: “Hoddle Street massacre gunman seeks veterans’ help” – Mass murderer and former Army cadet Julian Knight is seeking veterans’ help – possibly for compensation – copy extracted (below).

Please note that all correspondence with you and all media shall be monitored and published on JK’s website.  Information about facts is available from Julian if you can be trusted with independent journalism.  Demonstrate that.”


So, Mr Knight subsequently wrote directly to Charles Miranda – verbatim as follows:

20231023 Julian Knight letter to Charles Miranda of News Ltd


This is then a month later on 25th November 2023 Charles Miranda’s follow up published article in News Ltd’s Herald-Sun newspaper:

20231125 Hoddle Street killer Julian Knight takes Defence Force Ombudsman to court for reparation payment (by Charles Miranda)

We leave readers to have their own views.

From our documented experience, News Ltd has (since 1987) chosen to run a hateful/vengeful pre-judged campaign to condemn Julian Knight along with Melbourne 3AW radio broadcaster, now retired shock jock Neil Mitchell.

Of course, we acknowledge that the 1987 Hoddle Street massacre committed by Julian Knight alone was evil, wrong and unnecessary.  Tell that at the time to to someone in a delusional depressed state with psychosis and drunk and kitted up with a nearby home access to loaded military assault long arms, with a death wish (packing a spare round in his hip pocket should he be about to be captured).  What sane and sober person would do that?

But columnists are opinionated.  They may once have been educated as journalists, but then allowed (or encouraged) to lose their objectivity for copy print sensationalism.

Columnists have become a different breed degraded from proper news reporting journalists.  They are of the same ilk as bloggers – say what they think about anyone whom they choose to dislike.

Tabloid newspapers are notoriously replete with gossip column magazine pages just before the back sports pages.

Whilst investigative journalists prepared to put their neck on the line with their corporate bully employer, like all powerful News Corp, opinionated columnists like shock jocks, lack the required skill sets to dig into the truth, so they remain narrow-minded biased group think in a case like Hoddle Street, so ignorant of considering what could be the exceptional underlying causes/motives.

No media thus far, only the professionally trained psychiatrists and psychologists, have reviewed nor analysed the Supreme Court ruling and evidence aboiut Julian Knight of 1987.  None has bothered to connect Duntroon’s systemic traumatising institutionalised bastardisation culture (since 1911) to staff cadet Julian Knight’s almost post-immediate shooting spree aftyer dismised back home in Melbourne, committed just a few weeks after forced resignation from The Army and taken out innocent passer-by strangers akin to a carnival shooting gallery for a bear price under a still undiagnosed hypnotic trance.

Julian confessed his guilt immediately and regretted his evil.  We will never excuse his crimes plural.

History of the ADF since Hoddle Street and then decades later the Skype Scandal reveals that AFD culture has not and will not change without media scrutiny.

We await sadly reading about more ongoing episodal scandals, war crimes and mayhem borne our of the ADF’s unquestioned negative leadership culture, its antiquated bastardisation abuse of junior cadets, and of the inevitable disturbing psychological impact consequences inflicted upon many quality yet naive officer cadet enlistees.

Why do we take my time out to write all this Charles?  Get a real job and earn your keep and community respect.  Iinvestigative journalism into Duntroon junior cadet abuse would do you credit. Many good cadets have suffered at Duntroon’s and the ADF’s abuse. It is systemic.   Start with communicating directly with Julian at Port Phillip Prison and stop writing sensationalising fiction just to appease the man at News Ltd!

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